Courseware + Cert Prep = Testout Training for Teachers

If you are new to teaching Office or looking to expand your own skillset, we have you covered. This is a great way to evaluate TestOut training curriculum for your students next year. 

Our Teacher Training allows teachers to learn Microsoft Office® applications content for FREE by using our Office Pro Library courses. Each course is complete with training and MOS certification prep. 

Office Pro All in one resource


Office Pro Library:

  • Auto-grades labs, tests, and quizzes
  • Uses instructional scaffolding to help learners master content
  • Includes instructional videos, fact sheets, and interactive labs to help students learn, practice, and enhance their skills
  • Labs are scored on the correct answer, not a preset click-path
  • MOS exam prep tools - Domain practice labs, exam readiness reports, and practice exams

Fill out the form to request FREE Teacher Training for Microsoft Office® applications and experience why so many schools are adopting TestOut Office Pro for their schools.

TestOut Course   Content Certification
TestOut Office Pro Covers online essentials, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Access Prepares for: MOS Associate Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
TestOut Pro Certified: Microsoft Word® Covers content for Word Associate and Expert  Prepares for: MOS Word Associate and Expert 
TestOut Pro Certified: Microsoft Excel® Covers content for Excel Associate and Expert Prepares for: MOS Excel Associate and Expert
TestOut Office Pro Library Includes: Office Pro, TestOut Pro Certified: Microsoft Excel®, TestOut Pro certified: Microsoft Word® Prepares for: Microsoft Office Specialist: Associate (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and Expert (Excel and Word)