Making A Difference

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Helping to Shrink the Digital Divide 

TestOut’s mission statement is “Making a difference in student’s lives, using breakthrough technology.” This is something we strive for every day as we assist schools, teachers, and students in developing the necessary skills to make an impact in the world.

We want to invite you to be a part of a project we hope will “make a difference.” Anthony Edwards, a TestOut teacher at Grayson Tech in Georgia, approached TestOut last summer during our user conference. Anthony had recently returned from a Full Bright Group Project abroad, which took him to Moshi, Tanzania. He spent 40 days living and teaching in the Kilimanjaro region. What Anthony discovered as part of his time in Tanzania was the enormous digital divide between first world and third world developing countries.

Anthony saw how TestOut curriculum could provide the means whereby students could gain the skills without having large overhead costs. He approached TestOut to see if we would be willing to donate licenses to MWECAU University, in conjunction with his efforts at the University of Georgia. Noel Vallejo, founder and CEO of TestOut, approved these licenses and saw the difference we could make. The goal is to help the students in Tanzania make a significant impact in their country and the infrastructure needed in a developing country.

So, how can you help? The K12 group at TestOut wondered if we could do more than just offer licenses; we asked if we could assist MWECAU with increasing their total computer lab from 40 computers to 100 plus. We work with schools all across the United States, helping train students on how to build, maintain, repair, and refurbish computers. The idea was, “What if we asked schools to donate equipment and the time to build a computer system to send to MWECAU?” That is where your school and students would come in. This would be an excellent “work-based learning project” and allow your students to impact lives and make a difference.

Here is what you would need to provide:

  • Computer(s) that meet these specifications 
  • Fundraise the shipping cost to ship the computer(s) to our export contact in Delaware
  • Meet the deadline of having the computer system to Delaware by March 15th, 2020

Our goal is to obtain 50-100 computer systems through this effort.

Here are some benefits for you:

  • Work-based learning project your students could put on a resume
  • TestOut will provide a press release to participating schools to promote their involvement
  • Help your students to “make a difference” by using the skills they are learning
  • Help your students understand the digital divide not only with third world countries but also happening here in the United States with students who don’t have 21st-century skills

Ideally, we would have your students find a donated/used laptop (using laptops will reduce shipping costs-weight and size) that could be refurbished/upgraded if necessary. We would certainly be grateful for a desktop and a monitor as well.

So we know who will be participating, I have created a “Sign Up Genius.” Follow this link or click on the button below to sign up to help.

Sign up to help

For more information please contact:

Travis Wilde
Account Executive K-12 Eastern U.S.A.
800.877.4889 x 328
Contact Me For A Meeting!