Guide to TestOut Pro Certification

TestOut Pro Certifications are easy to access and set up, but there are a few things to know before using them. This page includes best practices for preparing students for certification, how to schedule a TestOut Pro certification exam, and other valuable tips and resources.

Are your students ready?

We recommend a few best practices and resources to help you determine if your students are ready to take a certification exam. 

  • Utilize the certification practice exam chapters at the end of the TestOut course (includes the practice exam for the corresponding TestOut Pro certification and other certifications such as CompTIA, Microsoft, and Cisco). 

  • Have students review questions they missed from the exam report, see how they did within each objective, and click on the reference links to review concepts within the course. Teachers can see the same results from the Class Gradebook or Individual Scores by Product reports.

  • Verify from the Practice Exam Report that students score 90% or higher, at least twice, on the practice exam. This is a good indication that students are ready to take the certification exam.

  • We find that students who successfully pass the TestOut Pro Certification exam first have more confidence to take other industry certifications.

  • Watch this recording for ideas on how to help students overcome the barriers of getting certified. 

View the video below for more tips on how to make sure your students are ready to take a certification exam.


TestOut Pro exams are online and can be taken from any location with an internet connection. The exams are scheduled by either the instructor or admin using the free exam that comes with each course license. If, by chance, a student runs into any issues while taking the exam, reach out to Tech Support, and they can help the student get back on track and reset the exam if needed. 

Do your students need to retake a TestOut Pro exam? Contact your CompTIA account rep to purchase an exam retake. 

Note: For those required to proctor the exam and have signed a Proctoring Agreement, contact your school administration for protocol on proctoring an exam.


First, pat yourself on the back for getting your students certified! Below are some resources to help you view certification reports, download certifications for your students, and see how other teachers motivate their students to continue in certifications.


Here are a few resources to learn more about TestOut Pro Certification:


Tips and suggestions FOR REMOTE TESTiNG:

  • Make sure students utilize the practice exams successfully on the same computers they will be using to take the certification exam. Be sure to check the system requirements for the TestOut software.
  • Use a webcam to make sure students are on task and free of distractions.
  • Schedule the exam at a different time for each student so you can focus on proctoring the exam if using a webcam.
  • Create a password when scheduling the exam and provide it to the parents so they can proctor.
  • Provide students contact information for our Technical Support (at bottom of page) should they run into any technical issues.

Contact TestOut Technical Support

Available Monday-Friday, 6am – 5pm MT
Phone: 1-800-877-4889 x 405